The cal. Backstage Pirelli 1964 2005. Costantino Ruspoli, Stefano Corvi (a cura di). Guatteri SpA., 2005.


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Guatteri SpA. Industria Litografica ; 2005; Noisbn ; Rilegato con titoli al piatto e dorso, custodia; 30,5 x 27,5 cm; pp. 336; Project: Costantino Ruspoli. Graphic design: Stefano Corvi. Volume riccamente illustrato a col. Numerose fotografie anche a piena pagina. ; Presenta leggeri segni d’uso ai bordi (senza mancanze nè lacerazioni), interno senza scritte.; Molto buono, (come da foto). ; It’s easy to be invisible when nobody notices you. I was backstage at an historic concert at The Rainbow Theatre. Compressed energy, fantastically incredible clothes coming and going, hairdressers, make-up artists, agents, millions of people, all frantically rushing through a sea of discarded cups, wires, bags, clothes thrown on chairs, nervous laughter and worried silences… the show was about to begin. From backstage I could observe the band through a network of cables, lights, spare guitars and technicians with headphones. The Gods of Rock were there: on stage, beautiful and confident, thousands of adoring eyes looking at me but not seeing me. The world of backstage is fascinating, you see the reality behind the curtains, you discover the “normality” of famous people, they sleep, drink, read… just like us. But their minds… their minds are focused on the show they are about to perform. Taking pictures at the backstage of “The Cal” is to tell a normal story of an event that is anything but normal. You show what one will not see and try to hide what one will see, because the “Cal”, must remain a surprise. You recount, for seven days and seven nights, the lives of a group of extraordinary people who, directed by a great photographer, create a world of fantasy. Dancing around them, invisible, you try to be there where the dream is created to capture the reality. ; L’immagine se disponibile, corrisponde alla copia in vendita.